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Roommate Match Program   


When asking friends to join you on fun travel adventures, you’ve probably hit a snag or two along the way. Your friends say they’re interested, but when it comes time to put the money down and book the trip, they just can’t seem to commit. 


Before you know it, the trip is SOLD OUT and instead of relaxing on that sun-kissed Caribbean beach, you’re stuck at home on the couch, dreaming of all the places where you’d rather be. 


But it doesn’t have to be that way. 


See, here at ENDLESS VACATION TOURS, we get how it is. And we don’t think anyone should have to miss out on the journey of a lifetime just because their friends are indecisive. 


That’s why we’re dedicated to bringing together like-minded women who want to experience the world and connect on incredible, unforgettable trips. 


Don’t have anyone to travel with? Don’t worry! We’ll match you with another solo traveler with similar interests and preferences so you can live it up wherever your heart desires. 

Match Up with Your Perfect Travel Roommate:

Ready to submerge yourself in the excitement of a Endless Vacation Travel Group experience, we got you covered with our FREE Roommate Matching Program.


With this service, you’ll save money on your trip, and you might even find your travel buddy for future trips. 



At Endless Vacation & Tours, we love to connect good people and that’s one reason our Roommate Matching Program is such a hit. The other reason is it makes finding the perfect roommate super easy.


To get started, follow these simple steps:


  • Select “Book Now” on any of our  trips

  • Choose “Double Occupancy” on your reservation form

  • Make your payment

  • On the thank-you page complete the reservation notes

  • Select “ROOMMATE MATCH” 

  • Hit “SUBMIT” and that’s it! 


Once you complete those steps, you’ll land on a page to enter info about yourself and your travel preferences. Be honest! Your responses are what we use to pair you with the best possible roommate to make your entire experience unforgettable.  


After we receive 75% of your reservation rate, you’ll receive emails from Endless Vacation Tours with the name, email address of your match – and we’ll provide your info to them.


And it’s just that easy. Ready to find the perfect roommate to share your first (or next) travel experience with?


Visit to explore our upcoming travels.

The Easy Way To Get Match Up...

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